New Blog Idea – January 10th – 9 to 5

January 10th – Cold, dark & grey. The alarm goes off at 6:30am and I want to grab that freaking cell phone and throw it at the window. I think two seconds and remember that I actually don´t want to throw it because I want to check Instagram Click here before I get up, turn on the Moccamaster, brew the coffee while I go take a pee and say good morning to the birds. As they chirp and stretch I pour the coffee and bring it to the snoring monster in my bed. Screw this I will go put on my makeup.

1 hour later – 20 emails and three cups of coffee I yawn so loud I shake the windows in the office. Ok, maybe a bit of an exaggeration but the point is I am bored. Damn, it´s only 10am what is this non sense. The room is so quite we decide that someone needs to be the DJ in the office today so we play rock, paper, scissors. Loser plays the music.

Lunch rolls around and I warm up my sweet potatoes and chicken from the night before. Wow. my life is so exciting today ( I am thinking in my head ) NOT. So, I ask Mary sitting across from me if she would like to pick up a bottle of wine after work and go over some podcasting ideas for the next 5 episodes. SURE! She says enthusiastically. Great, Red it is.

1 hour later – Boring budget plans and excel files being updated and filed away. Damn, it´s only 2pm. Looks at Mary – What time did you want to grab that wine?? haha 😀

5pm finally rolls around and we crack open that bottle and I feel the wine hit my blood stream. Aww, that´s better. Two glasses later and it´s time to go home to the fam jam and go back to the same ol´ball and chain routine.

3 hrs later – Dinner done, dishes done, bath done, birds done.

Good night my love. Let´s do it all again tomorrow. xoxo



hahahahah I know ridiculous but hey I feel like I want to write short stories instead of blog posts about how my day went. The latter part of my story is made up because it is only 2pm and I actually haven´t finished my day but I figured that is kind of what it will look like. Let me know what you think ? Or if you think it’s a dumb idea.


See you tomorrow!


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